SF 87 fingerprinting

Live Scan Fingerprint Technology. Easy, Fast, and Accurate.

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By contrast, Live Scan Fingerprint technology was developed in 1989. In a little under 30 years, this technology has evolved to become the preferred method for capturing fingerprints.

In the early days of Live scan tech in the United States, only a handful of manufacturers and large systems integrators offered Live scan technology. This exclusive advantage allowed them to charge relatively high prices for their services.

Technological advances and the power of the free market have now made it possible for more skilled technicians to offer Live Scan Fingerprinting services. Making it more affordable for a larger audience to experience fingerprinting that is:


Fingerprints are scanned into the system and transferred electronically. No need to gather messy ink cards and mail the results in for processing!


The fingerprinting process can be accomplished in about 5 minutes. Prints transmitted to the FBI through an FBI Channeler could receive an emailed response within 24 hours of being printed.


Live scan fingerprinting technology has the lowest rejection rate in the fingerprinting industry. Our FBI Channeler is one of only 13 companies nationwide able to transmit fingerprints directly to the FBI’s national databases for processing.


Compact, state-of-the-art technology makes it possible to bring the fingerprinting process to your home or office. Saving you time, effort and loss of productivity.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container][fusion_global id=”1221″]

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John Holliday

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